A Mullah is always considered as a wise man, and Nasreddin is considered as a mullah. Everybody would ask him questions concerning aspects of their lives.
A woman: "Oh, Mulla Nasruddin, please tell me what I should do about my daughter!"
Nasreddin: "I'm sorry, sister, but you must work that out for yourself. I don't have a daughter, so I cannot tell you anything useful."
A Man: "Mulla Nasruddin! My business is in terrible trouble! What should I do?"
Nasreddin: "Brother,you see I don't have a business, so I cannot tell you anything useful."
Crowd: "But you are such a wise man, Mulla Nasruddin! Please help us, please!"
Nasreddin: "All right, here's what you should do..."
Curious crowd: "Yes? Yes?"
Nasreddin: "Pray to Allah for wisdom."
Tamerlane: "There's no word called 'LOOSE' in my Dictionary."
Nasreddin: "Next time if you buy a Dictionary, you should have checked it before."
They was not so happy with this answer. But the situation got completely out of hand. People began to pester Nasreddin with questions night and day.Nasreddin: "Next time if you buy a Dictionary, you should have checked it before."
He was sleeping in the starlight on his roof, and a pebble hit him on the forehead. On reflection, it was more of a stone than a pebble. He feared it might have done permanent damage. so he looked over the edge, and there in the street was a man looking up. "Mulla Nasreddin, are you asleep?"
"I find it hard to sleep when stones are falling from Heaven," Nasreddin said.
Man: "It was only a little pebble, Mulla, besides, I have a question."
Nasreddin: "Brother, it is the middle of the night!"
Man: "My question is very important, or I would not have disturbed you. Please come down and we can discuss it."
Nasreddin: "Just give me the gist of it, and I'll ponder it on my way down."
Man: "I need to know, Mulla Nasreddin, should I tell a prospective buyer that my donkey is sick?"
Nasreddin: "I don't need to come down for that one. Of course you should! Honesty is required of you. And as it is also required of me, I tell you honestly that question could have waited till morning; go home!"
So it was, day and night, Nasreddin couldn't even brush his teeth without being interrupted with questions. He brandished his miswak, his tooth-brushing twig, but somehow no one was frightened.
Finally Nasreddin hit upon a solution. Beside his door he put a sign that said in large letters, "Two questions for $100."
Peace at last! Days went by with no questions; it was lovely. But finally a rich man came to Nasreddin's door with a bag of gold hanging from his belt.
"Nasruddin!" he called out.
Nasreddin came to the door. "May I help you?"
"You are fortunate today," he said. "I have plenty of money."
"You are the fortunate one,"Nasreddin replied.
"I can afford your two questions," he said, and raised one eyebrow. Nasreddin have always wished I could do that.
"So we are both fortunate," Nasreddin said .
"Indeed," the man said. "But, don't you think one hundred dollars is a little expensive for just two questions?"
"Yes it is," Nasreddin replied. "And what is your second question?"
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